Mr. Arakida is a specialist in disaster risk reduction. He is involved in many projects, such as community-based disaster management, satellite utilization, computer networks, and disaster prevention planning. His career started at a private consulting company in 1987, when he conducted damage estimations for the local government. He later joined the Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC) in 2000 and extended his field to Asian countries.
He has collaborated on many projects with ADRC member countries and was dispatched to many disaster sites in Asia on investigation teams. Furthermore, he worked in Central America from 2006 to 2009 as a JICA long-term expert with the Project on Capacity Development for Disaster Risk Management in Central America "BOSAI." In 2011, he joined the JICA project Capacity Development for Effective Flood Management in flood-prone areas in Kenya as an expert on community-based disaster management.