Kenya Yoshino
Kenya Yoshino
Faculty, GLOBIS University

Mr. Yoshino taught at GLOBIS University for thirteen years, lending his expertise to the instruction of leadership development, organizational development, and management philosophy. He also created the Corporate Mentorship Program to facilitate collaboration between GLOBIS University and more than 100 corporate partners. He is currently the manager of GLOBIS Asia Campus Pte. Ltd.

His professional experience includes working at the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), where he worked on a variety of global health care projects with international organizations. He then moved to a human resource assessment firm, where he worked in leadership and organizational development.

The Unsung Pillar of Japanese Work Culture: Hou-Ren-Sou

Learn how to report, communicated, and consult, Japanese style!
Learn how to report, communicated, and consult, Japanese style!

How to Keep “Common Sense” from Ruining Diversity of Thought

Common sense isn't common. Here are 4 steps to embrace diversity of thought for better leadership and teamwork.
Common sense isn't common. Here are 4 steps to embrace diversity of thought for better leadership and teamwork.

Critical Questioning: MBA Faculty Q&A #2

What's it like inside an MBA classroom? Check out the November 2020 Q&A with GLOBIS University faculty to find out!
What's it like inside an MBA classroom? Check out the November 2020 Q&A with GLOBIS University faculty to find out!

How to Live Happily Ever After in Japan’s High-Context Culture

Understanding Japan's high-context culture requires understanding of cross-cultural communication in both formal and social settings.
Understanding Japan's high-context culture requires understanding of cross-cultural communication in both formal and social settings.

The Path of Your Personal Mission

A kokorozashi is not just a life goal, but an ongoing personal mission that opens the mind and helps bring possibilities into focus.
A kokorozashi is not just a life goal, but an ongoing personal mission that opens the mind and helps bring possibilities into focus.

The Little Book of Ikigai Can Help You Find Purpose

The word ikigai is often translated as "your morning,” or even simply, “your reason to live.” Here's how brain scientist Ken Mogi breaks it down.
The word ikigai is often translated as "your morning,” or even simply, “your reason to live.” Here's how brain scientist Ken Mogi breaks it down.

Three Books for Your Golden Week: Team Players, Better Conversations, and Understanding Each Other

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Looking to catch up on your reading during Golden Week?...
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