How to Pitch a Business Proposal: 4 Tips to Get Started

Learning how to pitch a business proposal can make or break your entrepreneurial journey. Don't mess it up.
Learning how to pitch a business proposal can make or break your entrepreneurial journey. Don't mess it up.

How to Nurture Career Challenges for Proactive Skill Development

What do you do when your well-laid career plans don't pan out? Take control of your career through proactive skill development.
What do you do when your well-laid career plans don't pan out? Take control of your career through proactive skill development.

Marketing Footwear for Fashion, Health, and Career Satisfaction

Business leaders have a ripe opportunity to make meaningful social impact through health and beauty. Particularly when it comes to marketing footwear.
Business leaders have a ripe opportunity to make meaningful social impact through health and beauty. Particularly when it comes to marketing footwear.

Japanese Working Culture: The Good, the Bad, and the Getting Better

Japanese working culture is notorious for strict business practices, lack of transparency, and slow decision-making. But employees are getting fed up, and things are changing.
Japanese working culture is notorious for strict business practices, lack of transparency, and slow decision-making. But employees are getting fed up, and things are changing.

Is There a “Right Path” for Leaders Seeking Social Impact?

Is starting a company the only way to influence change? Or can you make an impact as a leader from within an existing organization?
Is starting a company the only way to influence change? Or can you make an impact as a leader from within an existing organization?

Life and Business Coaching in the Age of Uncertainty

As coaches, we need to be mindful of our role. We can share our impressions of what is being said, but we never tell the client what he or she needs to do.
As coaches, we need to be mindful of our role. We can share our impressions of what is being said, but we never tell the client what he or she needs to do.

From MBA to Sustainable Startup: The Story of EcoNest

Carbon footprints and climate change have inspired sustainable startup leaders to seek innovative, renewable solutions for more eco-friendly business models.
Carbon footprints and climate change have inspired sustainable startup leaders to seek innovative, renewable solutions for more eco-friendly business models.

Coming into the Light of Solar Energy with SkySense

In Mexico, solar competition is fierce, and the potential market for distributed generation is on the rise.
In Mexico, solar competition is fierce, and the potential market for distributed generation is on the rise.